Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Love Story: A Surprise on the Ice

                It is a wonderful Friday and I am pleased to share another amazing proposal story!  It is such a cute story and we are lucky enough to have a video as well.  There is something that is so touching when you see the tears of joy on video! 

          Chris and I were engaged May 6, 2012 on the ice after winning the Championship at the First State Broomball tournament in Delaware. Our team was 'Del Boca Vista' from Seinfeld...we each had a name on the back of our shirt. I was Man Hands...Chris was Mandelbaum.   After the final game, coming out champions, we were presented with the trophy on the ice and had some pictures taken. After the first few Chris said he wanted to take "one more".  He began rearranging us and pulled me out to the front. He got down on one knee on the ice and asked me to marry him. He said he couldn't think of a more romantic place for me than on the ice ...ha ha:) I was VERY surprised but it was very fitting as we met playing broomball!  Only two people knew about the proposal beforehand...our best player who also happened to be a videographer and our second best player who was needing some motivation going into the finals as we were playing last year’s championship team. Chris took him aside before the game and showed him the ring, and said if we won he would propose.  In which he replied, "Dude that's a lot of pressure!"
                I love Chris and I love sports, it could not have been a more perfect engagement for me.  Many people asked "what if you had lost?"  It wouldn't have would still have been one of our happiest days.  My best day was our wedding on November 10, 2012! The tournament trophy was a candy dish at our wedding. Since we were lucky to have a videographer there,  our video is on you tube  ....'brooks pops the q'

Thank you so much Chris and Kara for sharing your special moment with us!
                                                       Xo, Kelly

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